Vignobles RODET RECAPET Cover Image

Vignobles RODET RECAPETVerified Organization

A brief history

Vineyards in AOP Côtes de Bourg & AOP Saint-Emilion certified High Environmental Value (HEV).

Since 1924, the RECAPET family produces wines at Château BruleSécaille (AOP Côtes de Bourg).
Château BruleSécaille is classified as a « cru bourgeois » wine in the book « BORDEAUX ET SES VINS » by Cocks & Feret in 1868 2nd edition.

In 1974, the estate was handed down from Mr. Pierre RECAPET to his daughter and son in law, Martine & Jacques RODET.

In 1990, the family added Château La Gravière (AOP Côtes de Bourg) & in 1997, Château Yon Saint Christophe (AOP Saint-Emilion).

The all is included in a structure named G.F.A. RODET RECAPET since 1996.

Since 2016, the 30ha of vineyards are certified High Environmental Value (HEV) by the French Ministery of Agriculture.
Vignobles RODET RECAPET Logo

Established in 1924

29 Route des Châteaux


Vignobles RODET RECAPET Wines